Biomass Sector


Succesful presence of ENSO in Expobiomasa.

22 September 2021

The 13th edition of Expobiomasa and the I Renewable Gas fair received almost 7,500 professional visitors and counted with the presence of 327 exhibitors. Additional 400 professionals attended online the 14th International Bioenergy Congress.


The inauguration committee stopped by to greet us in our boot. We do have one of the most valued biomass power plants in the Region! You can learn more about it here: Bioelectrica de Garray.


Our boot attracted a lot of attention and we welcomed visitors of all type. Also our lectures in the 14th Bioenergy Congress were followed with interests. In one  we explained our experience as pioneers in the sector with RED II EU Directive (having been the second group in Europe to achieve a SURE Certificate of our Sustainable Biomass Management). In the other our CEO explained our experience facing the challenges of using biomass to decarbonize industries. Something we are familiar with after 20 years building all size of biomass plants and supplying them.

Inauguration Committee was composed of:

  • Valladolid City Major, Óscar Puente Santiago
  • Development and Environment CyL Region Ministry, Juan Carlos Suárez-Quiñones Fernández
  • Economy and Tax CyL Region Ministry, Carlos Javier Fernández Carriedo
  • IDEA Renewable Energy Director, Víctor Marcos Morell
  • AVEBIOM Vicepresident, Román Monasterio
  • AVEBIOM Board member, Roberto Bravo
  • AVEBIOM President, Francisco Javier Diaz Gonzalez